
Guide To Finding Shark Teeth In North Myrtle Beach

Seashells aren’t the only thing you can scout along the seashore… shark’s teeth are a popular target for beach visitors of every age! The South Carolina coastline is a goldmine for shark tooth hunting, and you don’t need much to get in on the action; a keen eye and patience are the only supplies necessary

When it comes to finding shark’s teeth in Myrtle Beach, there’s really no right or wrong way to hunt! A lot of it comes down to pure luck. However, if you want to increase your chances, take a few of these tips…

Tips For Finding Shark’s Teeth

Before you start your grand shark’s tooth adventure, consider a few of these tips to increase your chances of striking gold:

Check when the tide is coming and rolling out. Some seasoned hunters swear that they find more teeth when the tide is rolling in while others claim to have more luck as the tide is rolling out. The jury is still out, but there is one common denominator—the tide. The times for high tide and low tide vary daily, so check the weather in advance for a schedule to time out your hunt just before or just after high tide for the best chances of finding teeth! You can also download a tide specific app for up-to-date tide charts.

Look for shell beds. Shark teeth naturally mix in with sand and shells on the ocean floor. When the tide comes in, it carries these goodies to the shore and they naturally collect in piles. There are often many teeth hidden in these shell beds, you’ll just have to do a little digging to uncover them!

Check ocean ‘creeks’ and tide pools. These natural collection pools are a constant source of moving water and sand and are great traps for shells, teeth, and other gems.

Hunt in freshly dredged areas. Occasionally, the beaches along the east coast are dredged as part of renourishment programs. The goal of dredging is to extend the life of public beaches, replace lost sand from natural coastal erosion, and to protect beach properties and businesses from storm damage. The process involves taking sand from the ocean and relocating that sand to the shoreline. This often resurfaces tons of fresh shells, shark’s teeth, and other hidden gems.

Shark Teeth Hunting Supplies

While there are no formal supply requirements, it does help to have a few tools handy to make your hunt more efficient and effective.

  • Sunglasses can make hunting easier by eliminating the glare during bright weather.
  • A ‘pick-up’ tool or a very small net can help with scooping and sifting through the sand.
  • Water shoes can help make the trek through shell beds easier.

You can easily find these basic beach supplies at a local beach shop, but don’t worry about going out of your way; the only real supplies you need are your eyes (and sunscreen if you’re outside on a sunny day!).

For the avid hunter, check out the Shark Tooth Sifter company, which makes several items specifically designed to make shark tooth hunting easier and fun.

How to Identify a Shark’s Tooth

Photo Credit: George via Flickr CC2.0

Shark’s teeth can often be confused with chipped shells, so look for these key characteristics to be sure you have a genuine shark tooth souvenir.

  • Look for broad triangular or “T” shapes
  • Look for objects with off-white, tan, or black coloration
  • Hold the object up to the light and check for a glossy shine (versus the iridescent quality of a shell)

Fresh shark’s teeth are white in color, though older teeth will be discolored and ancient teeth will be black, which means they have fossilized over time. Some shark teeth will have serrated edges, while others have become smooth to the touch over time.

To help identify and classify shark teeth, check out the official Shark Teeth Mobile App, available in the Apple App Store. This convenient app offers a comprehensive library of information on sharks, finding shark teeth, and more!

North Myrtle Beach Shark Teeth FAQs

Here are a few of the most common questions we get about hunting for shark’s teeth.

What’s the best time of day to find shark teeth?

There’s really not a set time of day that’s better for finding shark teeth. Instead, time your hunt around the tides. Right before and after high tide are generally the best times to find new teeth! And, if possible, go earlier in the day before other hunters hit the beach.

What kind of shark’s teeth can I find in North Myrtle Beach?

There are well over 400 species of sharks, which provide plenty of opportunities to find different and unique shark’s teeth. Of course, some teeth are more prevalent than others along the Grand Strand.

Common species found in the North Myrtle Beach area include the sand tiger shark, traditional tiger sharks, bull shark, and lemon shark. You might luck out and find a more rare gem, like the tooth from a great white shark or a highly coveted megalodon tooth!

If that sounds too good to be true, check out this clip of a scuba company that found a massive haul of megalodon teeth right off the South Carolina coast!

Can I keep shark teeth that I find on the beach?

Of course! Any teeth you find along the coast are fair game and make a great beach souvenir!

Where is the best place in North Myrtle Beach to hunt for shark’s teeth?

The entire Grand Strand is well-known for hunting and finding shark’s teeth. In North Myrtle Beach specifically, we recommend the Cherry Grove Beach area near the Inlet Pointe Villas.

The key to finding shark teeth is determination and persistence. Don’t give up if you don’t find any on your first hunt!

Hunting for shark’s teeth in Myrtle Beach is a fun and memorable activity for families and couples alike. Add some adventure into your next beach getaway with an official hunt!

Best of luck on your shark tooth adventure — and happy hunting!